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Adieu mes amours (Josquin des Prez)

This secular song was apparently quite popular as can be concluded from the fact that a number of contemporary intavolations exist. This edition is based on facsimile copies of three 16th century prints. I have not made an arrangement for modern mixed choirs, which has the following drawbacks from a practical point of view:


PDF File (5 A4 pages, 76kB) with editorial notes in English

ABC File (8kB) for editing the music and adding your custom text underlay (requires the free program flabc)

Other editions of the same work

An online facsimile of this chanson was made available 2006-2008 by the Bibliothčke nationale de France on its websites. A facsimile reprint of the entire Odhecaton A is available from Broude Brothers, New York. A modern edition of "Adieu mes amours" in part book format is available from Laura Conrad's site www.laymusic.org (browse to the composer index for finding this chanson).