Here is a selection of performances of my works that I am aware of. I am always glad about feedback from choirs who have sung my pieces. There is absolutely no risk in contacting me, because I make my works freely available under the CC license (see the F.A.Q). Please send me an email if your performance is missing in this list.
- 06.02. Anglican Chant a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 02.02. Magnificat alternatim, Leicester (England), Leicester Cathedral Choir's Songmen
- 02.02. Nunc dimittis, Hartford (USA), choir at St. Patrick- At. Anthony Church
- 30.01. Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 26.01. Ubi caritas, San Jose (USA), choir of the Oratory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 24.01. Schönster Herr Jesu, Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Frankreich), choeur Ignycantus
- 23.01. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 26.12. Prayer for Peace, Bochum-Riemke (Germany), Jericho-Chor
- 25.12. Viderunt omnes, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 24.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Cardiff (Wales), choir at The Cardiff Oratory
- 22.12. Rorate caeli, San Jose (USA), choir at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory
- 22.12. Rorate caeli, Harrisburg (USA), St. Lawrence Choir
- 22.12. Magnificat sexti toni, Springfield OR (USA), choir at St. Alice
- 22.12. Tollite portas, Kalamazoo (USA), St. Augustine Cathedral Choir
- 22.12. Veni redemptor gentium & Rorate caeli, St. Louis (USA), choir at St. Francis de Sales Oratory
- 18.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Middlesbrough (England), St. Mary's Cathedral Consort
- 15.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Bautzen (Germany), Schola at St. Peter
- 08.12. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis tertii toni a3, Montreal (Canada), Christ Church Cathedral Choir
- 08.12. Rorate caeli, Cambridge (USA), Beneficia lucis
- 08.12. Rorate caeli, Versailles (France), Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Charles
- 08.12. Tollite portas, Athenry (Ireland), St. Mary's Church Choir
- 08.12. Come, thou redeemer of the earth, Keswick (USA), choir at Grace Church
- 03.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Heidelberg (Germany), choir of Heiliggeist church
- 01.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 01.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Schiedam (Netherlands), Lutherse cantorij Sursum Corda
- 23.11. Pentatonic Kyrie, Duderstadt (Germany), Propsteichor St. Cyriakus
- 17.11. O salutaris hostia, New York (USA), Parish Choir St. Agnes
- 14.11. Requiem aeternam, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 03.11. Ave verum, Cambridge (England), First Church Choir
- 01.11. Missa Phrygia & Beati mundo corde, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 27.10. & 15.12. Missa Phrygia, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 24.10. Magnificat a 3, Liverpool (England), Cathedral Choir
- 20.10. Nunc dimittis, Montreal (Canada), Christ Church Cathedral Choir
- 20.10. Salve Regina, Moutfort (Luxembourg), choirs St. Cécile Oetrange-Schraeig & Moutfort-Medige
- 17.10. Nunc dimittis a 3 & Aaronic Blessing, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 11.10. O Holy Spirit enter in, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.10. Magnificat tertii toni & Nunc dimittis a 4, Wimbledon (England), St. Mary's Choir
- 29.09. Missa tribus vocibus, New York (USA), Parish Choir St. Agnes
- 22.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Leeds (England), choir at St Hilda's Church
- 12.09. O Christ who art the light and day, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 08.09. Ave verum, Paris (France), Saint George's Choir
- 05.09. & 22.11. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 25.08. Missa Phrygia, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 15.08. Magnificat, Immensee (Schwitzerland), iCantanti
- 10.08. Magnificat tertii toni, Carey (USA), Novena Men's Chorus
- 21.07. Aaronic Blessing, Le Puy-en-Velay (France), Choeur Cathédrale Collège
- 07.07. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis, East Malvern (Australia), St. John's Choir
- 07.07. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis a 3, Liverpool (England), Cathedral Choir
- 30.06. Missa Salve Regina, Berlin (Germany), Quintetto Berlin
- 23.06. In hoc cognoscent omnes, Sydney (Australia), St Francis of Assisi Choir
- 12.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Waterbury (USA), St. Patrick Choir
- 08.06. A modern mass setting, Villanders (Italy), Chor Villanders
- 07.06. Magnificat primi toni & Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.06. Magnificat alternatim a 3 & Nunc dimittis, Haverfordwest (Wales), Choral Scholars at St Davids Cathedral
- 30.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Cebu (Philippines), Schola Gregoriana Caebuae
- 26.05. Missa tribus vocibus, New York (USA), Schola Cantorum of St. Agnes
- 23.05. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 19.05. Missa Phrygia (world premiere), Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 19.05. Messe E-Dur, Höchberg (Germany), church choir St. Mariä Geburt
- 19.05. Missa Salve Regina, Isle of Man (Isle of Man), Trio from the Cathedral Choir
- 16.05. Salve festa dies, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 12.05. Ascendit Deus, Harrisburg (USA), St. Lawrence Choir
- 12.05. Ascendit Deus, Saratoga Springs (USA), choir at Bethesda Episcopal Church
- 10.05. Ascendit Deus, Dublin (Ireland), The Palestrina Choir
- 09.05. Magnificat sexti toni, Campos dos Goytacazes (Brazil), Schola Cantorum São Gregório Magno
- 28.04. Ubi caritas, Austin (USA), St. David's Choir
- 18.04. Nunc dimittis a 4, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 29.03. St. John Passion, Bautzen (Germany), Kath. Domchor
- 29.03. Conclusion St. John Passion, Walberberg (Germany), church choir St. Cäcilia
- 28.03. Ubi caritas, New Haven (USA), choir at St. Thomas's Episcopal Church
- 28.03. Mandatum novum, Birmingham (England), St Chad's Cathedral Choir
- 28.03. Mandatum novum, Chicago (USA), Ascension Choir
- 28.03. Mandatum novum & Ubi caritas, Seattle (USA), choir at the Blessed Sacrament Church
- 28.03. Ein neues Gebot gebe ich euch, Metten (Germany), Vokalensemble
- 23. & 24.03. Vexilla Regis, Glenbrook & Lawson NSW (Australia), Schola at St. Finbar's Catholic Church
- 17.03. Aaronic Blessing, Guntersblum (Germany), ev. Kirchenchor Guntersblum
- 17.03. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis, Los Angeles (USA), singers form churches all over Los Angeles
- 16.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Madrid (Spain), Coro Tecla29
- 15.03. Falsobordone Canticles in the 7th tone, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 14.03. O Christ who art the light and day, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 10.03. German Magnificat, Nordwijk (Netherlands), Vesperkoor Nordwijk
- 10.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Chester (England), Chester Cathedral Choir
- 01.03. Attende Domine, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 26.02. Nunc dimittis a 4, Peterborough (England), Peterborough Carhedral Choir
- 23.02. Magnificat peregrini toni & Anglican Chant a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 22.02. Ubi caritas, Wichita (USA), Saint Mary's Academy Polymnia Treble Choir
- 10.02. Ubi caritas, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola Cantorum of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 04.02. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis alternatim a 3, Yakima (USA), choir at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
- 02.02. Missa Salve Regina & Lift up your heads, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 28.01. Missa Salve Regina, Hampton Court Palace (England), The Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal
- 28.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Edmonton (Canada), Choir at All Saints' Cathedral
- 25.01. Maneant in vobis, Oxford (England), Exeter College Choir
- 25.01. Magnificat a 3, Liverpool (England), Cathedral Choir
- 25.01. Nunc dimittis a 4, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 14.01. How bright appears the morning star, Lubbock (USA), St. Stephen's choir
- 06.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 25.12. Missa Salve Regina, Charles Town, WV (USA), CRNJ Choir
- 24.12. Tollite portas, Birmingham (England), The Choir of the Birmingham Oratory
- 17.12. Tollite portas, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 17.12. Magnificat, Hungen (Germany), TonArt hungen
- 10.12. Lute book for Advent and Christmas, Travenbrück (Germany), Duo for "Gesang und Lauteninstrumente"
- 03.12. Tollite portas, L'Isle-Jourdain (France), Ensemble vocal Madrigal
- 30.11. Ave verum corpus, Rome (Italy), Schola of the Pontifical Scots College
- 30.11. Beati qui lugent & Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 22.11. Mass in E-major, Corrientes (Argentina) Coro de capacitación Vocal
- 19.11. Missa tribus vocibus, New York (USA), Parish Choir at St. Agnes
- 11.11. Magnificat a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 10.11. Ubi caritas, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 03.11. Requiem aeternam, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 02.11. Requiem aeternam, Arlington (USA), choir at St. Mark's Anglican Church
- 01. & 05.11. Beati mundo corde (world premiere), Pittsburgh (USA), Schola Cantorum of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 29.10. Christe qui lux es et dies, Cambridge (USA), Canticum verspertinum
- 13.10. Anglican Chant, Magnificat & Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 12.10. Nunc dimittis peregrini toni, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 07.10. Bicinium over Psalm 9, Hildesheim (Germany), Ensemble "Joseph Fux"
- 28.09. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 24.09. German Magnificat, Iserlohn (Germany), Evangelische Kantorei Iserlohn
- 06.08. Fairest Lord Jesus, San Francisco (USA), The choir of St. Gregory of Nyssa Church
- 06.08 Missa tribus vocibus, Waterbury (USA), St. Patrick Choir
- 30.07. Missa Salve Regina, New York (USA), Schola Cantorum of St. Agnes
- 16.07. & 03.09. Magnificat sexti toni, Birmingham (England), The Choir of the Birmingham Oratory
- 09.07. Magnificat primi toni & Nunc dimittis a 2, Birmingham (England), The Choir of the Birmingham Oratory
- 02.07. In hoc cognoscent omnes, Sydney (Australia), St Francis of Assisi Choir
- 29.06. Ulenberg Psalm 116 & Aaronic Blessing, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 23.06. Anglican Chant à 3 (world premiere), Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 20.06. Magnificat alternatim & Nunc dimittis, Haverfordwest (Wales), Choral Scholars at St Davids Cathedral
- 18.06. Meso en internacia lingvo, Bochum (Germany), Jericho Chor
- 26.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, New York (USA), Christ's Church Choir
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, Chicago (USA), choir at St. Vincent de Paul
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, Waterbury (USA), St. Patrick Choir
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, Jordan (USA), choir at Saint John the Baptist
- 20.05. Ascendit Deus, Dublin (Ireland), The Palestrina Choir
- 18.05. Ascendit Deus, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 15.05. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis a2, Gelsenkirchen (Germany), N. Mol & A. Kroneberger
- 14.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Waterbury (USA), St. Patrick Choir
- 29.04. Tollite portas, Houston (USA), choir from St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
- 28.04. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis peregrini toni, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 25.04. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis, Haverfordwest (Wales), Choral Scholars at St Davids Cathedral
- 07.04. St. John Passion, Bautzen (Germany), Kath. Domchor
- 06.04. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 06.04. Ein neues Gebot gebe ich euch, Metten (Germany), Vokalensemble
- 06.04. Mandatum novum, New York (USA), choir at St. Ignatius
- 06.04. Mandatum novum, Chicago (USA), Ascension Choir
- 01.04. Agnus Dei de missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 24.03. St. John Passion, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 21.03. Magnificat a 3, Liverpool (England), Cathedral Choir
- 19.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Chester (England), Chester Cathedral Choir
- 19.03. God hear on my crying, Oklahoma City (USA), choir at St. Francis
- 16.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 12.03. Agnus Dei de missa tribus vocibus, Saratoga Springs (USA), choir at Bethesda Episcopal Church
- 09.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Charlotte (USA), choir of St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
- 03.03. & 30.06. Magnificat 2i toni & Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 22.02. & 17.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Waterbury (USA), choir at St. Patrick Oratory
- 22.02. Attende Domine, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 16.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Birmingham (England), The Choir of the Birmingham Oratory
- 12.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Pittsburgh (USA), choir at St. Michael the Archangel
- 15.01. Christe qui lux es et dies, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 13.01. & 26.05. Falsobordone Canticles in the 7th tone, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 08.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 06.01. Mass in E Major, Maria Taferl (Austria), Basilikachor Maria Taferl
- 29.12. Tollite portas, Latrobe (USA), WAOB Volunteer Choir
- 25.12. Tollite portas, Latrobe (USA), Holy Family Schola Cantorum
- 25.12. Mass in E Major, Maria Taferl (Austria), Basilikachor Maria Taferl
- 24.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 12.12. Rorate caeli, Cambridge (USA), Beneficia Lucis
- 10.12. Bicinium to Psalm 128, Tholen (Netherlands), Quink Vocaal Ensemble
- 10.12. Lute Book for Advent and Christmas, Syke (Germany), L. Silva & U. Dressler
- 04.12. Rorate caeli, Versailles (France), Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Charles
- 27.11. Tollite portas, Cambridge (England), Chapel Schola at St. Edmund's
- 26.11. Rorate caeli, Horsham (England), singers from Christ's Hospital
- 13.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Budapest (Hungary), Exsultate Boys' Choir
- 01.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Munich (Germany), church choir St. Joachim
- 30.10. Ubi caritas, Porto (Portugal), Coro Voces Verbi
- 23.10. Magnificat tertii toni, Birmingham (England), The Choir of the Birmingham Oratory
- 22.09. Salve Regina, Lisbon (Portugal), Schola Cantorum de São Nicolau
- 18.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Budapest (Hungary), Liszt Ferenc Choir
- 11.09. Deutsches Magnificat, Nottingham (England), Choir of St Mary the Virgin
- 28.08. Magnificat alternatim & Nunc dimittis a 2, North Adelaide (Australia), choir "Sacred Hearts"
- 07.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Rohr in Niederbayern (Germany), Chor des Rohrer Sommer
- 18.07. Salve Regina, Coeur d'Alene (USA), Chancel Choir at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
- 17.07. Salve Regina, Moutfort (Luxembourg), choirs St. Cécile Oetrange-Schraeig & Moutfort-Medige
- 10.07. Missa Salve Regina, London (England), singers at St. Magnus the Martyr
- 02.06. Salve festa dies & Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 29.05. Ascendit Deus, Aidumaiore (Italy), Coro Sancta Maria ad Palmas
- 29.05. Ascendit Deus, Streatham (England), Choir at St. Peter's Church
- 29.05. Ascendit Deus, New Orleabs (USA), Choir of Trinity Episcopal Church
- 29.05. Ascendit Deus, University City Missouri (USA), Choir at Christ the King
- 29.05. Ascendit Deus, San Diego (USA), choir at All Souls' Church
- 28.05. Ascendit Deus, Dublin (Ireland), St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Girls' Choir
- 27.05. Ascendit Deus & Canticles peregrini toni, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 26.05. Ascendit Deus, Coeur d'Alene (USA), Chancel Choir at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
- 26.05. Ascendit Deus, Latrobe (USA), Holy Family Schola Cantorum
- 26.05. Ascendit Deus, Austin (USA), Voices of St. David's
- 26.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Montgomery (USA), singers at the Catholic Church of the Presentation
- 22.05. Magnificat 3i toni, Streatham (England), Choir at St. Peter's Church
- 06.05. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis primi toni, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 01.05. Nunc dimittis, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 28.04. Nunc dimittis a 4, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 27.04. Kyrie "Salve Regina", Etobicoke (Canada), singers at St George's on-the-Hill
- 21.04. O filii et filiae, Nunc dimittis a 3 & Victimae paschali, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 17.04. O filii et filiae, Latrobe (USA), Schola Cantorum of Holy Family
- 15.04. Conclusion St. John Passion & Des Königs Banner, Walberberg (Germany), church choir St. Cäcilia
- 14.04. Mandatum novum, New York (USA), choir at St. Ignatius
- 14.04. Mandatum novum, Chattanooga (USA), Gloria Dei Schola
- 14.04. Mandatum novum, Chicago (USA), Ascension Choir
- 14.04. Bei stiller Nacht, Linz (Austria), Cantores Carmeli
- 14.04. Ein neues Gebot gebe ich euch, Metten (Germany), vocal ensemble
- 14.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 14.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 10.04. Attende Domine, Latrobe (USA), Schola Cantorum of Holy Family
- 03.04. Magnificat 2i toni, Streatham (England), Choir at St. Peter's Church
- 27.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Chester (England), Chester Cathedral Choir
- 25.03. & 31.03. Falsobordone Canticles in the 7th tone (world premiere), Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 24.03. Magnificat 2i toni & Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 20.03. Kyrie for women's choir & harp, Saitama (Japan), Yumiyumika classical a capella group
- 15.03. Nunc dimittis, Haverfordwest (Wales), Choral Scholars at St Davids Cathedral
- 06.03. Attende Domine, Milwaukee (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist
- 27.02. Magnificat peregrini toni, Amsterdam (Netherlands), cantors at Oude Kerk
- 20.02. Magnificat, Doetinchem (Netherlands), Cantorij of the Catharinakerk
- 20.02. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis, Bristol (England), Schola Cantorum
- 13.02. & 19.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 13.02. Beati qui lugent, San Diego (USA), choir at All Souls' Church
- 06.02. Missa tribus vocibus, New York (USA), Schola Cantorum of St. Agnes
- 06.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Montgomery (USA), singers at the Catholic Church of the Presentation
- 06.02. Missa Salve Regina, Belfast (Northern Ireland), Belfast Cathedral Choir
- 06.02. Bicinium to Psalm 138, Woerden (Netherlands), vesper singing group
- 03.02., 10.02., 17.02. & 10.03. Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 02.02. Nunc dimittis a 3, Katowice (Poland), Apertum Cor Singers' Ensemble and the Women's Basilica Liturgical Schola from Katowice
- 02.02. Nunc dimittis a 3, Guildford (England), Cathedral Choir
- 20.01. How brightly shines the morning star & Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 18.01., 14.06., 20.09. & 22.11. Magnificat a 3, Liverpool (England), Cathedral Choir
- 16.01. Christe qui lux es et dies, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 16.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), singers at St. Luke's
- 09.01. Missa Salve Regina, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 06.01., 13.01., 27.01., 24.02., 17.03. & 07.04. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 01. & 02.01. Viderunt omnes, Pittsburgh (USA), Schola Cantorum of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 24. & 25.12. Viderunt omnes (world premiere), Pittsburgh (USA), Schola Cantorum of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish
- 19.12. Mass in E Major, Piracicaba (Brazil), Coral Vozes de Maria
- 19.12. Nunc dimittis a 2, Columbia (USA), Columbia School of Music Chapel Choir
- 19.12. Lift up your heads, Elgin (USA), singers at St. Thomas More Catholic Church
- 12.12. Rorate caeli, New York (USA), Schola of Most Holy Redeemer
- 12.12. Rorate caeli, Arlington (USA), St. Mary Choir
- 12.12. Tollite portas, Offida (Italy), Coro Giovanile Piceno
- 12.12. Rorate caeli, New York (USA), choir at the Church of Incarnation
- 05.12. Rorate caeli, Baltimore (USA), Redeemer Choir
- 02.12. Rorate caeli, Portsmouth (England), Choral Scholars at Portsmouth Cathedral
- 28.11. Rorate caeli, Yaoundé (Cameroon), Le Choeur Des Piccoli
- 28.11. Rorate caeli, Horsham (England), Christ's Hospital Chapel Choir
- 28.11. Rorate caeli, New York (USA), Incarnation's Choir
- 27.11. Rorate caeli, Horsham (England), St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, singers from Christ's Hospital
- 18.11. Ulenberg Psalm 2, Montreal (Canada), Newman Chapel Choir
- 11.11. Requiem aeternam & Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 07.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 04.11. Bicinum over Psalm 130 & Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 01.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Montgomery (USA), singers at the Catholic Church of the Presentation
- 24.10. Magnificat & O salutaris hostia, Bremerton (USA), a choir from Our Lady Star of the Sea
- 21.10. Ave verum corpus, Bremerton (USA), a choir from Our Lady Star of the Sea
- 08.10. Magnificat, Nunc dimittis & Christe qui lux es, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.10. Magnificat secundi toni, Hamilton (Canada), cantors at Christ's Church Cathedral
- 03.10. Missa Salve Regina & Magnificat peregrini toni, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 03.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 18.09. Bicinium over Psalm 128, Veenendaal (Netherlands), Quink Vocaal Ensemble
- 17.09. Ulenberg Psalm 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 12.09. Magnificat alternatim & Nunc dimittis a 3, London (England), singers at St. Gabriel's Pimlico
- 05.09. German Magnificat, Zutphen (Netherlands), a choir at Walburgis Church
- 29.08. Panis angelicus, Hamilton (Canada), cantors at Christ's Church Cathedral
- 19.08. & 23.09. & 07.10. Nunc dimittis a 4, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 15.08. Magnificat, Auburn (USA), Choir of St. Mary's Church
- 07.08. Mass in E Major, Praha (Czechia), Chor des Rohrer Sommer
- 29.07. & 06.08. & 28.10. & 25.11. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 25.07. O Dio crea in me, Hamilton (Canada), singers at Christ's Church Cathedral
- 29.06. Magnificat & Nunc dimittis a 3, Leicester (England), Songmen of the Cathedral Choir
- 27.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Burwood (Australia), Choir of St. Paul's
- 24. & 27.06. & 03.10. Ubi caritas, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Lichfield (England), Lichfield Cathedral Lay Vicars
- 03.06., 01.07., 15.07., 22.07., 26.08., 16.09., 01.10., 15.10., 25.11., 09.12. & 30.12. Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 30.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Montgomery (USA), singers at the Catholic Church of the Presentation
- 30.05. Kyrie & Agnus Dei (Missa tribus vocibus), Le Puy-en-Velay (France), Choeur Cathédrale Collège
- 16.05. Ascendit Deus, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 16.05. Ascendit Deus, University City, Missouri (USA), choir at Christ the King Parish
- 15.05. & 23.05. O Heilger Geist kehr bei uns ein, Frankfurt (Germany), E.S. Becker & K. Baumann
- 13.05. Ascendit Deus, Glasgow (Scotland), Cantors at St. Brigid's
- 13.05. Missa tribus vocibus & Tollite portas, Goshen (USA), choir at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
- 29.04. O filii et filiae, Horsham (England), pupils at Christ's Hospital
- 25.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 08.04. Nunc dimittis a 2 & Seele, dein Heiland ist frei von den Banden, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 03.04. Victimae paschali laudes, Hampton Court Palace (England), The Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal
- 01.04. Bei stiller Nacht, Linz (Austria), soloists at the Karmelitenkirche
- 01.04. Mandatum novum, Birmingham (England), singers from St Chad's Cathedral Choir
- 01.04. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 01.04. Ubi caritas, Winston-Salem (USA), choir at the Augsburg Lutheran Church
- 30.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Ely (England), Lay Clerks of Ely Cathedral
- 28.03. Nun lobet Gott im hohen Thron, Erfurt (Germany), brass at St. Martin's
- 28.03. Nunc dimittis, Ranmoor (England), singers at St John's Church
- 27.03. Magnificat peregrini toni, Erfurt (Germany), singers at St. Mary's
- 23.03. Nunc dimittis, Portsmouth (England), Choral Scholars at Portsmouth Cathedral
- 21.03. Missa Salve Regina, London (England), singers at St. Magnus the Martyr
- 19.03. Magnificat peregrini toni, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 18.03. Ulenberg Psalm 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 07.03. Nunc dimittis a 3, Moscow, Idaho (USA), Trinity Reformed Church Youth and Teen choirs
- 04.03. Nunc dimittis a 2 & Attende Domine, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 02.03. Magnificat tertii toni, London (England), singers at King's College Chapel
- 09.02. Nunc dimittis a 3, Portsmouth (England), Choral Scholars at Portsmouth Cathedral
- 07.02. Christe qui lux es et dies, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 06.02. Mass in E-Major, Bonn-Vilich (Germany), Adelheidis-Chor an St. Peter zu Vilich
- 31.01. Missa Salve Regina, Hampton Court Palace (England), The Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal
- 22.01. Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 14.01. & 04.02. Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 07.01. & 18.02. & 15.04. Nunc dimittis a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.01. Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, Lawrence (USA), singers at the Trinity Lutheran Church
- 26.12. Meso en internacia lingvo, Singen (Germany), singers at St. Peter und Paul
- 17.12. Lift up your heads, Elkhart (USA), singers at St. Vincent de Paul
- 13.12. Magnificat secundi toni, Troy (USA), singers at St. Patrick Catholic Church
- 13.12. Rorate caeli, Arlington (USA), singers at St. Mary The Virgin
- 10.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 06.12. Veni redemptor gentium, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 06.12. Tollite portas, Cambridge (England), Chapel Schola at St. Edmund's
- 06.12. Rorate caeli, Surry Hills (Australia), singers at St. Peter's
- 03.12. Tollite portas, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 23.11. Nunc dimittis, Portsmouth (England), Choral Scholars at Portsmouth Cathedral
- 16.11. Magnificat peregrini toni, Cambridge (England), Chapel Schola at St. Edmund's
- 06.11. Magnificat alternatim a 3, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 01.11. Requiem aeternam, Washington (USA), singers at St. Paul's Parish
- 29.10. Nunc dimittis a 2, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 25.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), singers from the Church of the Ascension and St. Agnes
- 25.10. Ubi caritas, Surry Hills (Australia), singers at St. Peter's
- 22.10. Beati qui lugent, Nunc dimittis a 3, Salve Regina & Aaronic Blessing, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 18.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Cambridge (England), Chapel Schola at St. Edmund's
- 11.10. Magnificat secundi toni & Nunc dimittis, Little Rock (USA), members of the Trinity Cathedral Schola
- 04.10. Magnificat alternatim, Little Rock (USA), members of the Trinity Cathedral Schola
- 30.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), singers at St. Luke's
- 27.09. Ubi caritas, Harrisburg (USA), Mater Dei quartet
- 23.09. Missa Salve Regina, Washington (USA), singers at St. Luke's
- 19.09. Aller Augen warten auf dich Herre, Kempen (Germany), R. & F. & C. Dalitz
- 16.08. Ho Dio, kreu al mi koron puran, Bryn Athyn (USA), G. Bier & M. Martin
- 27.06. Kyrie & Sanctus en internacia lingvo, Kempen (Germany), R. & F. & C. Dalitz
- 31.05. O Holy Spirit, enter in, London (England), S. & D. Bick
- 24.05. Ascendit Deus, Tulsa (USA), choir at the Church of Saint Mary
- 24.05. Ascendit Deus, Washington (USA), schola at the Anunciation Catholic Church
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, Latrobe (USA), Schola Cantorum of Holy Family
- 21.05. Ascendit Deus, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 26.04. Missa Salve Regina, Halifax (Canada), singers at St. George's Anglican Church
- 11.04. Salve festa dies, Pittsburgh (USA), singers from the Schola Cantorum
- 09.04. Ubi caritas, Austin (USA), singers at St. Loius
- 08.03. Ave verum corpus, Stamford (USA), schola at the Basilica of Saint John the Evangelist
- 05.03. Ubi caritas, London (England), Schola Cantorum of Christ's Hospital
- 09.02. German Magnificat, Nordwijk (Netherlands), Vesperkoor Nordwijk
- 01.02. Magnificat alternatim trium vocum, Riga (Latvia), Schola Sancti Meinardi
- 19.01. Christe qui lux es et dies, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 18.01. Tollite portas, Cartagena (Spain), Coral Tomás Luis de Victoria de Cartagena
- 05.01. Mass in E-Major, Hinterschmiding (Germany), Church Choir Hinterschmiding
- 05.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 27.12. Lute Book for Advent and Christmas, Duderstädt (Germany), S.L. Silva & U. Dressel
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Hinterschmiding (Germany), Church Choir Hinterschmiding
- 23.12. Lute Book for Advent and Christmas, Gielsdorf (Germany), S.L. Silva & K. Trautvetter
- 22.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Elm Grove (USA), Musica Oremus
- 15.12. Tollite Portas, Frankfurt/Main (Germany), Terzetto Vocale
- 14.12. Magnificat alternatim trium vocum, Riga (Latvia), Schola Sancti Meinardi
- 12.12. Tollite portas, Horsham (England), singers at Christ's Hospital
- 29.11. Beati qui lugent, Poznan (Poland), Chór Dziewczęcy "Kosy" z Poznania
- 24.11. Sanctus of the Mass in E-Major, Bonn-Vilich (Germany), Adelheidis-Chor an St. Peter zu Vilich
- 24.11. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Budapest (Hungary), extended church choir Budapest-Kelenföld Lutheran Church
- 10.11. Mass in E-Major, Edam (Netherlands), Caeciliakoor Edam
- 03.11. Bicinium to Psalm 130, Orlando (USA), a choir at the Incarnation Catholic Church
- 27.10. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Sepsiszentgyörgy (Romania), extended church choir Budapest-Kelenföld Lutheran Church
- 26. & 27.10. Ascendit Deus, Berkeley & San Francisco (USA), Tactus
- 21.10. Magnificat, Fontainebleau (France), L'Académie Musicale de Liesse
- 19.10. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Budapest (Hungary), church choir Budapest-Kelenföld Lutheran Church
- 06.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 22.09. Magnificat sexti toni, Nottingham (England), Choir of St Mary the Virgin
- 22.09. Bicinium to Psalm 138, Woerden (Netherlands), vesper singing group
- 25.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 15.08. Magnificat sexti toni, Jackson (USA), St. Mary Star of the Sea Schola
- 28.07. Missa tribus vocibus, Seattle (USA), The Seattle Choral Company
- 14.07. Ubi caritas, Greenwich (England), Old Royal Naval College Trinity Laban Choir
- 07. & 13.07. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Budapest & Fót (Hungary), students of the Lutheran Cantor Training Institute
- 30.06. Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus Dei for women's choir, Aschheim (Germany), Chorgemeinschaft St. Peter & Paul
- 20.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 04.06. Magnificat, Chelmsford (England), Girls' voices at Chelmsford Cathedral
- 30.05. Ascendit Deus, Norwich (England), choir of St John the Divine, Kennington
- 30.05. Ave verum corpus, Prague (Czech), Příležitostný Suchdolský Sbor
- 26.05. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Berlin (Germany), Matthäus-Kantorei Steglitz
- 19.05. Missa tribus vocibus & I give to you a new commandment, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 05.05. Triosonata a-Minor, Dinslaken (Germany), an ensemble with alto and tenor recorder and organ
- 22.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Saarbrücken (Germany), Kirchenchor St. Jakob
- 19.04. St. John Passion, Degerloch (Germany), church choir Mariä Himmelfahrt
- 19.04. St. John Passion, Hamburg (Germany), Chor der Bugenhagengemeinde Nettelnburg
- 19.04. St. John Passion, Hamm (Germany), Singegemeinde St. Georg
- 19.04. In quiet night, Geneva (Switzerland), Sanctuary Choir of the Genevan Lutheran Church
- 18.04. Maneant in vobis & Mandatum novum, Luxembourg Centre-Ville (Luxembourg), Maîtrise Saint-Cécile de la Cathédrale
- 18.04. Ubi caritas, Honululu (USA), Lutheran Church of Honululu Choir
- 18.04. Ubi caritas, Elkhart (USA), Bilingual Choir at St. Vincent de Paul
- 18.04. Mandatum novum, Chattanooga (USA), Gloria Dei Schola
- 18.04. Maneant in vobis, Chicago (USA), Choir at the Church of the Ascension
- 18.04. Ubi caritas, Farington (England), Choir at St Catherine's Catholic Church
- 18.04. Mandatum antiphones, Phoenix (USA), Cathedral Choir
- 16.04. Magnificat, Chelmsford (England), Girls' voices at Chelmsford Cathedral
- 14.04. Ubi caritas, San Marco in Lamis (Italy), Coro polifonico "Te Deum Laudamus"
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Vicenza (Italy), a women's choir
- 08.04. Ubi caritas, Malo (Italy), I Cantori di Santomio
- 20.03. Magnificat alternatim trium vocum, Portland (USA) Schola at St. Stephen's
- 18.03. Mass in E-Major, Bonn-Geislar (Germany), Adelheidis-Chor an St. Peter zu Vilich
- 17.03. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Ortenburg (Germany), a project choir
- 17.03. A modern mass setting, Villingen (Germany), youth choir "a tempo"
- 10.03. Ave verum corpus, Mierlo (Netherlands), Parochieel Mannenkoor Mierlo
- 24.02. Ubi caritas, Charlottesville (USA), Choir at the Westminster Presbyterian Church
- 10.02. A pentatonic Kyrie, Budapest (Hungary), church choir of the ev. parish Budapest-Kelenföld
- 06.01. Ave verum corpus & Missa tribus vocibus, Seattle (USA), Blessed Sacrament Schola Cantorum
- 24.12. Tollite portas, Halifax (Canada), choir at the Presbyterian Church of Saint David
- 23.12. Lute Book for Advent and Christmas, Kirchberg (Germany), L. Silva & U. Dressler
- 16.12. German Magnificat, Grefrath-Oedt (Germany), a vocal ensemble
- 09.12. Tollite portas, Le Puy-en-Velay (France), Choeur Cathédrale Collège
- 02.12. Tollite portas & Salve Regina, Berlin-Oberschöneweide (Germany), Chor-Ensemble-Atelier
- 02.12. Lift up your heads, Appleton (USA), choir at the Memorial Presbyterian Church
- 18.11. Magnificat sexti toni, London, Ontario (Canada), women of the Cathedral Choir at St. Paul's
- 04.11. Mass in E-Major, IJsselstein (Netherlands), choir "Cantate Domino"
- 04.11. Ubi caritas, Southwell Minster (England), The Lincoln Singers
- 13.10. Mass in E-Major, Saarbrücken (Germany), project choir at St. Jakobus
- 07.10. Beati qui lugent & Missa Salve Regina, Lodz (Poland), girls' choir "Paradiso"
- 30.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), Choir at St. Luke's
- 23.09. & 28.10. Missa Salve Regina, Washington (USA), Choir at St. Luke's
- 26.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Paris (France), ensemble de solistes à Notre-Dame de Paris
- 19.08. Missa Salve Regina, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 28.07. Ave Maria, Tading (Germany), Ottissimo
- 22.07. Salve Regina, Chattanooga (USA), Gloria Dei Schola
- 01.07. Mass in E-Major, Bonn-Vilich (Germany), Adelheidis-Chor an St. Peter zu Vilich
- 30.06. Missa Salve Regina, Brescia (Italy), In corde Musicae
- 30.06. Mandatum novum, Chamalière-sur-Loire (France), Envol'Art
- 24.06. Psalm 2 (Ulenberg), Halle/Saale (Germany), chorprojekt dom halle
- 10.06. Magnificat sexti toni, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 08.06. Psalm settings, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Quink
- 31.05. & 10.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 13.05. Ascendit Deus & Salve festa dies, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 13.05. Ascendit Deus, Kew Green (England), Coir at St. Anne's church
- 13.05. Ascendit Deus, Bowie (USA), Ascension Traditional Choir
- 13.05. God is gone up, Charlotte (USA), Sanctuary Choir
- 13.05. Magnificat sexti toni, Nordwijk (Netherlands), Vesperkoor Nordwijk
- 10.05. Ascendit Deus, Pittsburgh (USA), The Schola Cantorum of St. John XXIII Parish
- 05.05. German Magnificat, Ely (England), Ely Cathedral Choir
- 15.04. Mass in E-Major, Rykkinn (Norway), Bryn Church Choir
- 01.04. Mass in E-Major, Ulrichskirchen (Austria), Church choir Ulrichskirchen
- 01.04. Mass in E-Major, Freiburg (Germany), church choir at Bruder Klaus
- 29.03. & 13.05. Mandatum novum, Chattanooga (USA), Gloria Dei Schola
- 29.03. three Mandatum Antiphones, Luxembourg Centre-Ville (Luxembourg), Maîtrise Saint-Cécile de la Cathédrale
- 29.03. Mandatum novum, Chicago (USA), Choir at the Church of the Ascension
- 29.03. Ubi caritas, Phoenix (USA), Cathedral Choir
- 18.03. Ubi caritas, Asheville (USA), Clyde A. Erwin Advanced Chorus
- 25.02. Psalm 120 (Ulenberg), Hamburg (Germany), Capella Peregrina
- 28.01. Magnificat, Newton (USA), choir at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes
- 14.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Irving (USA), Mater Dei Choir
- 14.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Ranmoor (England), choir at St. John's
- 06.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Hinterschmiding (Germany), Church Choir Hinterschmiding
- 10.12. Rorate caeli, Newton (USA), choir at Trinity Parish
- 10.12. Magnificat, Newton (USA), choir at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes
- 06.12. Rorate caeli & Tollite portas, Lander (USA), Wyoming Catholic College Choir
- 26.11. Mass in E-Major, Bonn-Vilich (Germany), Adelheidis-Chor an St. Peter zu Vilich
- 26.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Milwaukee (USA), Choir of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- 12.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Ranmoor (England), choir at St. John's
- 12.11. Salve Regina, Seattle (USA), Chancel Choir at Blessed Sacrament Parish
- 29.10. & 26.11. Magnificat sexti toni, Dublin (Ireland), St. Bartholomew's Choir
- 22.10. Mass in E-Major, Honululu (USA), St. Mark's Choir
- 10.09. Lift up your heads, Sydney (Australia), mass choir at the 2017 Australian Baha'i Choral Festival
- 03.09. Ubi caritas, Worcester (England), The Lincoln Singers
- 27.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Sydney (Australien), St. Benedict's Choir
- 27.08. O salutaris hostia, Phoenix (USA), Cathedral Choir
- 21.07. Regina caeli, Noyers sur Cher (France), Choeur de chambre de la Marelle
- 09.07. Bicinia over Genevan Psalms, Carmel (USA), a recorder duet
- 21.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Irving (USA), Schola Marianum
- 11.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 04.06. Salve festa dies, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old Saint Mary's
- 28.05. Ascendit Deus, Glasgow (Scotland), Choir at St. Ninian's Church
- 28.05. Ascendit Deus, Lewisville (USA), Adult Choir at St. Philip the Apostle
- 25.05. Mass in E-Major, Matzendorf (Switzerland), Church Choir Matzendorf
- 16.04. Regina caeli, Cambridge (USA), Collegium Vespertinum
- 16.04. Regina caeli, Irving (USA), Mater Dei Choir
- 15. & 16.04. Mass in E-Major, Hasselt & Hoeselt (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 14.04. St, John Passion, Hartkirchen am Inn (Germany), Kirchenchor Hartkirchen
- 14.04. St. John Passion, Hamburg (Germany), Chor der Bugenhagengemeinde Nettelnburg
- 14.04. St. John Passion, Haan (Germany), Kirchenchor Caecilia Gruiten
- 13.04. Mandatum novum, Chicago (USA), Choir at the Church of the Ascension
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Rome (Italy), Schola des Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum
- 13.04. Ubi caritas & Mandatum novum, Breukelen (Netherlands), Cantorij van de Pauluskerk te Breukelen
- 13.04. Ubi caritas & Mandatum novum, Wyoming (USA), Wyoming Catholic College Choir
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Klosterneuburg (Austria), Cantorey Klosterneuburg
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Winston-Salem (USA), Choir at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), Choir at St Benedict's
- 13.04. Ubi caritas, Phoenix (USA), Cathedral Choir
- 13.04. Missa tribus vocibus & Ubi caritas, Le Puy-en-Velay (France), Choeur Cathédrale Collège du Puy en Velay
- 12.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Drighlington (England), choir at St. Paul
- 26.03. & 13.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 26.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Spethcley Park (England), Schola Gregoriana Malverniensis
- 12.03. German Magnificat, Nordwijk (Netherlands), Vesperkoor Nordwijk
- 05.03. Bicinium to Psalm 91, Woerden (Netherlands), Lutherse Cantorij Woerden
- 03.03. Ave verum corpus, Prague (Czechia), musicians from Sv. Matěje
- 12.02. Ubi caritas, Westport (USA), Choir at Christ & Holy Trinity Church
- 09.02. Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden, Bochum (Germany), Akafö-Chor "en route"
- 06.02. How bright appears the morning star, Sulzburg (Germany), Kantorei St. Cyriak
- 22.01. Ubi caritas, Winston-Salem (USA), St. Timothy's Choir
- 08.01. Missa Salve Regina, Cambridge (England), Vox Cantab
- 05.01. Mass in E-Major, Hinterschmiding (Germany), Church Choir Hinterschmiding
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Edam (Netherlands), Caeciliakoor Edam
- 18.12. Missa Salve Regina, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 11.12. Ubi caritas, Mesquite (USA), North Mesquite High School Chamber Singers
- 03. & 10.12. Tollite Portas, Gdansk (Poland), The Choir of the Parish St. Teresa Benedicta a Cruce
- 20.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Milwaukee (USA), Choir of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- 20.11. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Bornheim (Germany), Cologne Overtone
- 20.11. Ave verum, Le Puy-en-Velay (France) Chœur Cathédrale - Collège
- 13.11. Mass in E-Major, Mondorf (Germany), Pfarr-Cäcilienchor St. Laurentius
- 12.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Derendorf (Germany), Chorgemeinschaft Heilige Dreifaltigkeit
- 16.10. Ubi caritas, Voorschoten (Netherlands), Musica Fresca
- 08.10. Magnificat, Pilsen (Czechia), Schola Cantorum Pilsensis
- 25.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Schwabhausen (Germany), Kirchenchor St. Michael
- 18.09. Ubi caritas, Bryn Athyn (USA), Bryn Athyn Cathedral Choir
- 18.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), Choir at St. Luke's
- 11.08. Christe qui lux es, Ambleside (England), Herdwyck Consort
- 10.07. Ubi caritas, Winston-Salem (USA), choir at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
- 10.07. The eyes of all wait upon thee, St. Louis Park (USA), Holy Family Choir
- 03.07. Ave verum corpus, St. Louis Park (USA), Holy Family Choir
- 28.05. Ave verum corpus & Mass in E-Major, Beemster (Netherlands), Caeciliakoor Edam
- 22.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Malvern (England), Schola Gregoriana Malverniensis
- 15.05. Regina caeli, St. Louis (USA), Cathedral Choir
- 05. & 26.05. Mass in E-Major, Winnipeg (Canada), Festal Choir at St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church
- 08.05. Aria for violin, Eisenach (Germany), Marina Demagin
- 08.05. Ascendit Deus & Salve festa dies, Cincinnati (USA), choir of Old Saint Mary's
- 08.05. God is gone up, Westcock (Canada), St. Ann's Choir
- 07.05. Gott fähret auf, Lübeck (Germany), women's choir "Crescendo"
- 06.05. Gott fähret auf, Schwerin (Germany), women's choir "Crescendo"
- 05.05. Ascendit Deus, Jasper (USA), Choir at Our Lady of the Mountains
- 05.05. Ascendit Deus, Kingsport (USA), St. Christopher's Choir
- 04.05. Ascendit Deus, Irving (USA), Mater Dei Choir
- 01. & 08.05. Regina caeli, Pittsburgh (USA), The Schola Cantorum of St. John XXIII Parish
- 04.04. Magnificat, Wyoming (USA), Wyoming Catholic College Choir
- 27.03. Mass in E-Major, Halle (Belgium), Effata-Choir
- 26. & 27.03. Mass in E-Major, Matzendorf (Switzerland), Church Choir Matzendorf
- 25.03. St. John Passion, Salzburg (Austria), Choir at the parish Salzburg-Parsch
- 25.03. St. John Passion, Rüsselsheim (Germany), Ensemble für Liturgie und Gottesdienst
- 24.03. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 24.03. Ubi caritas, Fort Wayne (USA), Queen of Angels Choir
- 24.03. Ubi caritas, Irschenberg (Germany), Church Choir Irschenberg
- 24.03. Ubi caritas, Le Puy-en-Velay (France), Choeur Cathédrale Collège du Puy en Velay
- 24.03. Ubi caritas, Newtown (USA), choir at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church
- 13.03. Magnificat, Montreal (Canada), The Cathedral Singers
- 13.03. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Cambridge/MA (USA), First Church Choir
- 06.03. Agnus Dei de Missa tribus vocibus, Meadville (USA), St. Hildegrad Choir
- 21.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Washington (USA), singers at St. Luke's
- 14.02. Ubi caritas, Bryn Athyn (USA), soloists at Bryn Athyn Cathedral
- 02. & 10.02. Missa Salve Regina, Winnipeg (Canada), Festal Choir at St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church
- 24.01. & 24.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 20.12. Ubi caritas, Charlotte (USA), Sanctuary Choir
- 10.12. Rorate caeli, Salzburg (Austria), Choir at the parish Salzburg-Parsch
- 06.12. Magnificat sexti toni, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old St. Mary's
- 06.12. God, hear on my crying, Woerden (Netherlands), Vesper singing group
- 03.12. Tollite Portas, Montreal (Canada), Schola Cantorum
- 15. & 16.11. German Magnificat, Woerden (Netherlands), Projectkoor Woerden
- 13.11. Missa Salve Regina, Rom (Italien), Capella Musicale della Basilica di San Clemente
- 08.11. A modern mass setting, Greding (Germany), Carmina-Chor
- 04.10. Missa Salve Regina, Washington (USA), Choir at St. Luke's
- 20.09. Mass in E-Major, Sneek (Netherlands), Koor Intermezzo
- 13.09. A modern mass setting, Berlin (Germany), Choirs PanCHORaner (Berlin) & "Mamas and some Papas" (Potsdam)
- 05.09. Triosonata a-Minor & Psalm-Ricercars, Braunschweig (Germany), Trio "La Chaconne"
- 05.09. Mass in E-Major, Ringelai (Germany), Pfarrverbandchor Freyung/Kreuzberg/Ringelai
- 16.08. Ave verum corpus, Asheville (USA), choir at St. Mark's Lutheran Church
- 04.07. The eyes of all wait upon thee, Harman (Romania), ev. church choir Harman
- 07.06. A pentatonic Kyrie, Berlin (Germany), Matthäus-Kantorei Steglitz
- 23.05. Regina caeli, St. Louis (USA), Archdiocesan choir
- 17.05. & 16.08. Missa Salve Regina, Washington (USA), Choir at St. Luke's
- 14.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Madison (USA), Madison Pontifical Mass Choir
- 06.05. & 11.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Irving (USA), Mater Dei Choir
- 05.04. Missa tribus vocibus & O salutaris hostia, Graz (Austria) Trio musica sacra - Don Bosco Graz
- 03.04. St. John Passion, Cologne (Germany), Church choir at Herz Jesu and St. Mauritius
- 03.04. St. John Passion, Wülfrath (Germany), Church choir at St. Joseph
- 03.04. St. John Passion, Sulzbach (Germany), Church choir Sulzbach
- 02.04. Mandatum novum & Ubi caritas, Wyoming (USA), Wyoming Catholic College Choir
- 02.04. Ubi caritas, Honululu (USA), St. Mark's Choir
- 02.04. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), St. Benedict's Choir
- 02.04. Ubi caritas, Farington (England), a choir at St Catherine's Catholic Church
- 02.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 28. & 29.03. Ave verum corpus, Turin (Italy), Coro Incontrocanto
- 25.03. Magnificat sexti toni, Toulouse (France), Ensemble Exultet
- 22.03. Magnificat sexti toni, Montreal (Canada), The Cathedral Singers
- 08.02. Ubi caritas, Lexington (USA), Chancel Choir
- 02.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Winona (USA), St Thomas Aquinas Seminary Polyphonic choir
- 01.02. Missa tribus vocibus, Dillingen (Germany), Kirchenchor Donaualtheim
- 26.12. Mass in E-Major, Gelsenkirchen (Germany), church choir at St. Josef
- 25.12. Missa Salve Regina, Tulsa (USA), Parish of St. Peter Choir
- 21.12. German Magnificat, Neudrossenfeld (Germany), Gesangverein Mainthal-Neuenrath
- 7. & 21.12. Tollite portas, Montreal (Canada), Schola Cantorum
- 14.12. Magnificat sexti toni & Ave verum corpus, Sainte-Anne-d'Auray (France) Choeurs Nicolazic & Saint Anne
- 07.12. German Magnificat, Nuenen (Netherlands), Cantabile
- 21.11. Magnificat secundi toni, Riga (Latvia), Schola Sancti Meinardi
- 09.11. Magnificat sexti toni, Riga (Latvia), Schola Sancti Meinardi
- 09.11. Ubi caritas, Lexington (USA), Chancel Choir
- 01.11. Mass in E-Major, Vienna (Austria), Kirchenmusikverein St. Ulrich
- 18.10. Mass in E-Major, Völklingen-Warndt (Germany), Kirchenchor Cäcilia
- 12.10. & 23.11. Mass in E-Major, Kreuzberg & Ringelai (Germany), Pfarrverbandchor Freyung/Kreuzberg/Ringelai
- 07.10. Magnificat sexti toni, Cincinnati (USA), Choir at Old Saint Mary's Church
- 14.09. Ubi caritas, Westport (USA), Choir at Christ & Holy Trinity Church
- 07.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Malvern (England), Schola Sancti Josephi
- 15.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Madison (USA), Madison Pontifical Mass Choir
- 03.08. Missa Salve Regina, Brunswick (Australia), Choir at Christ Church Brunswick
- 25.07. Missa tribus vocibus, Grafton (Australia), Christ Church Cathedral Choir
- 19.07. The eyes of all wait upon thee, Rasnov (Romania), ev. church choir Harman
- 28.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Hubertus (USA), Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum & St. Cecelia Schola Cantorum
- 27.06. Mass in E-Major, Vienna (Austria), students of the Vienna Konservatorium
- 27.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Menomonee Falls (USA), St. Cecilia Schola
- 22.06. Triosonata a-Minor & Psalm-Ricercars, Kempen (Germany), Trio "La Chaconne"
- 20.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Moravský Beroun (Czechia), choir Josefa Srovnala
- 08. & 19.06. Missa Salve Regina, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 08.06. Mass in E-Major, Graz (Austria), Trio musica sacra - Don Bosco Graz
- 08.06. Mass in E-Major & Ave verum, Edam (Netherlands), Caeciliakoor Edam
- 01.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Brunswick (Australia), Choir at Christ Church Brunswick
- 25.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Madison (USA), St. Dominic Chamber Coir
- 09.05. Missa Salve Regina, Quebec (Kanada), Ensemble vocal de l'UQTR
- 21.04. Mass in E-Major, Nassweiler (Germany), Cath. church choir Cäcilia Großrosseln
- 21.04. Mass in E-Major, St. Tönis (Germany), Church choir at St. Cornelius
- 17.04. Ubi caritas, Sydney (Australia), Choir at St Benedict's
- 17.04. Ubi caritas, Brunswick (Australia), Choir at Christ Church Brunswick
- 17.04. Mandatum novum, Edmonton (Canada), Choir at St Joseph's Basilica
- 17.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 13.04. St. John Passion, Mondorf (Germany), Church choir at St. Laurentius
- 05.04. Mass in E-Major, St. Hubert (Germany), Pfarr-Cäcilienchor St. Hubert
- 16.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Budapest (Hungary), Sacra vocale Énekkar Szt. Margit
- 05.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Irving (USA), Mater Dei Choir
- 05.03. A modern mass setting, Regensburg (Germany), Schola of former "Domspatzen"
- 02.03. Panis angelicus, Zionsville (USA), Treble Choir at St. Francis
- 28.02. Magnificat sexti toni, Portsmouth (England), Portsmouth Cathedral Choir
- 22.02. Bicinia to Psalm 128 & 132, Veenendaal (Netherlands), Quink
- 16.02. Missa Salve Regina, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 22.12. Magnificat sexti toni, Bryn Athyn (USA), soloists at Bryn Athyn Cathedral
- 15.12. Rorate caeli, Roche Santa Fe (USA), The Nativity Choir
- 24.11. Mass in E-Major, Kemel (Germany), Gesangsverein Kemel
- 24.11. Mass in E-Major, Weiler i.Allg. (Germany), church choir Weiler
- 08.09. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 14.07. Ricercars over Genevan Psalms, Zeiden (Romania), N. Szekely
- 16.06. & 15.12. Triosonata in A minor, Grefrath (Germany), Dorenburg-Taffel-Consort
- 08.06. A pentatonic Kyrie, Berlin (Germany), Matthäus-Kantorei Steglitz
- 26.05. A modern mass setting, Düsseldorf (Germany), Chor Heilige Dreifaltigkeit
- 23.03. Couperin pour Théorbe, Bremerhaven (Germany), M. Rösel
- 18.03. Ave verum corpus, Cadiz (Spain), Conjunto Vocal Virelay
- 10.03. A pentatonic Kyrie, Cologne (Germany), Chorgemeinschaft St. Bernhard
- 01.01. Missa Salve Regina, Vancouver (Canada), St. James Collegium Musicum
- 26.12. German Magnificat, Bosau (Germany), Women's choir Bosau
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 24.12. Mass in E-Major, Herzogenrath (Germany), church choir at St. Josef
- 20.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Florence (Italy), Laboratorio Corale delle Piagge
- 25.11. Mass in E-Major, Weiler i.Allg. (Germany), choir at St. Blasius
- 24.11. Mass in E-Major, Wald ZH (Switzerland), cath. church choir Wald
- 24.11. Mass in E-Major, Hürth (Germany), church choir St. Dionysius/St. Barbara
- 20.11. Requiem aeternam, Bogotá (Columbia), Coro Juvenil
- 18.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Bad Wörishofen (Germany), St. Ulrichs-Chor
- 14.10. A pentatonic Kyrie, Saint-Aignan (France), Choeur de chambre de la Marelle
- 16.09. Mass in E-Major, Schönenwerd (Switzerland), mixed choir "Eintracht"
- 26.08. O Salutaris Hostia, Tulsa (USA), Mr. & Mrs. Reneau
- 19.08. Mass in E-Dur, Barmbek (Germany), chamber choir of the Resurrection Church
- 20.05. A Pentatonic Kyrie, College State (USA), soloists
- 17.05. Salve festa dies, Meerbusch (Germany), Trio "La Chaconne"
- 08.04. Missa tribus vocibus, San Rafael, Ca (USA), Schola at the Holy Rosary Chapel
- 08.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Stahnsdorf (Deutschland), Chor der protestantischen Kirchengemeinde Stahnsdorf
- 03.04. Missa Salve Regina, Klosterneuburg (Austria), Cantorey Klosterneuburg
- 01.04. Mass in E-Major, Seen (Switzerland), Kantorei Seen
- 11.03. An English Kyrie, Pittsburgh (USA), Sanctuary Choir at the Beulah Presbyterian Church
- 22.01. A modern mass setting, Zoetermeer (Netherlands), Regenboogcantorij
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Mortsel (Belgium), Cantorij Sint-Cecilia
- 04.12. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Blois (France), La Marelle
- 04.12. German Magnificat, Wimberg (Germany), choir at the ev. Bergkirche
- 27.11. German Magnificat, Gechingen (Germany), choir at the ev. Martinskirche
- 19.11. A modern mass setting, Murska Sobota (Slovenia), MePZ Chorus
- 22.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Seck (Germany), mixed choir Waldmühlen
- 16. & 22.10. Missa tribus vocibus, Rarogne & Martigny-Bourg (Switzerland), Choeur Valaisan des Jeunes
- 16.10. Requiem aeternam, Gelsenkirchen (Germany), Schola Cantorum Westerholt
- 02.10. Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus Dei for women's choir, Bad Oldesloe (Germany), vocal ensemble "a capriccio"
- 25.09. O salutaris hostia, Veneto (Italy), Coro Parrocchiale di Santa Giustina
- 25.09. Regina caeli, Rancho Santa Fe (USA), The Nativity Choir
- 11.09. A modern mass setting, Zoetermeer (Netherlands), Regenboogcantorij
- 10.09. Requiem aeternam, Springfield MA (USA), choir at St. Stephen Orthodox Church
- 23.07. Missa tribus vocibus, Dinslaken (Germany), Church choir at Hl. Blut
- 08.07. Regina caeli, Surzur (France), Le petit Chœr de Chambre de Muzillac
- 29.05. Missa Salve Regina, Cambridge (England), Latin Schola of Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church
- 09.05. Missa Salve Regina, St. Peter, Minnesota (USA), Prima Vox
- 24.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Blieskastel-Lautzkirchen (Germany), Church choir at St. Mauritius
- 24.04. Mass in E-Major, Thorn (Netherlands), Abdijkoor Thorn
- 23.04. Regina caeli, Glen Ellyn (USA), St Mark's Episcopal Church choir
- 19.03. Regina caeli, Péaule (France), La Chorale Mosaïque
- 13.03. Missa Salve Regina, Delft (Netherlands), T. Bakker, J. Klein Haneveld & D. Dillingh
- 06.03. & 12.06.Missa tribus vocibus, Malvern (England), Choir@9
- 06.03. German Magnificat, Houten (Netherlands), Vesperkoor van de Protestantse Gemeente Houten
- 20.02. & 22.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Cleveland (USA), choir at Mary Queen of Peace
- 12.02. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Torino (Italy), Nuova Corale Pinese
- 12.02. Mass in E-Major, York (England), The Rudgate Singers
- 04.02. Bicinia over Genevan Psalms, Birmingham (USA), Quink
- 30.01. Mass in E-Major, Cologne (Germany), Junger Chor St. Elisabeth
- 23.01. Fairest Lord Jesus, Houston (USA), choir of the "First Evangelical Church"
- 18.12. Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus Dei for women's choir, Helmond (Netherlands), Femmes de Nostre Dame
- 03.12. Kyrie of Missa tribus vocibus, Wolfenbüttel (Germany), church choir at St. Ansgar
- 28.11. & 17.12. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Torino & Chieri (Italy), Nuova Corale Pinese
- 21.11. Bicinium for Psalm 128, Rinderbügen (Germany), M. & P. Heß
- 13.11. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Werne (Germany), church choir at St. Sophia
- 29.08. Missa tribus vocibus, London (England), choir at St Magnus the Martyr
- 22.08. Regina caeli, Rancho Santa Fe (USA), The Nativity Choir
- 15.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Stamford (England), Choir of St. Mary's
- 11.07. Three Songs on Poems by Geibel, Kempen (Germany), Vokalensemble Kempen
- 27.06. Mass in E-Major, Hausen (Germany), church choir at St. Johannes Hausen
- 26.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Waldmühlen (Germany), project choir "50 years St. John's chapel"
- 21.06. Regina caeli, Muzillac (France), La Chorale Mosaïque
- 11.06. Missa Salve Regina, London (England), St Mary Moorfields Festal Choir
- 16.05. & 20.06. Mass in E-Major, York (England), The Rudgate Singers
- 09.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Courances (France), Groupe vocal Cantando
- 25. & 28.04. Bicinium for Psalm 128, Waltham (USA), Brandeis Early Music Ensemble
- 10.04. Kyrie of Missa tribus vocibus, Mentomor-o-Novo (Portugal), Coral de São Domingos
- 04.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Ingelmunster (Belgium), Sint Ceciliakoor Ingelmunster
- 31.01. Fairest Lord Jesus, Houston (USA), Choir Scholars
- 31.01. Fairest Lord Jesus, Chicago (USA), Holy Trinity's Choir
- 29.01. Ehespruch (Geibelei no. 2), Kempen (Germany), wedding guests
- 16.01. & 25.04. A modern mass setting, Zoetermeer (Netherlands), Regenboogcantorij
- 31.12. Bicinia for Psalm 5, 9, 91, 96 & 118, Rinderbügen/Wolferborn (Germany), M. & P. Heß
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 24. & 27.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Ingelmunster (Belgium), Sint Ceciliakoor Ingelmunster
- 19.12. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Quezon City (Philippines), Our Lady of the Pillar Cathedral Choir
- 29.11. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Torino (Italy), Nuova Corale Pinese
- 25.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Malvern (England), Choir@9
- 22.11. A modern mass setting, Zoetermeer (Netherlands), Regenboogcantorij
- 08.11. Mass in E-Major, Ettringen (Germany), Kirchenchor Ettringen
- 01.11. Bicinia for Psalm 98, 134 & 138, Amden (Switzerland), C. Menzi & M. Kramis Jordi
- 25.10. Mass in E-Major, Pirna (Germany), Kirchenchor St. Marien Viernheim
- 18.10. German Magnificat, Nuenen (Netherlands), Cantabile
- 03.10. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Fegyvernek (Hungary), Amicus Vocal Ensemble
- 19.07. Ave Maria, Samouco (Portugal), Grupo Coral do Samouco
- 21.06. A Pentatonic Kyrie, Geneva (Switzerland), choir of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Geneva
- 21.06. Kyrie of Missa tribus vocibus, Milly-la-forêt (France), Groupe vocal adultes de deux vallées
- 12. & 13.06. Mass in E-Major, Castres & Labraguière (France), Les chœurs de Barral
- 17.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Friedersdorf (Germany), Landessingwoche Berlin-Brandenburg
- 10.05. Missa Salve Regina, St. Hubert (Germany), a vocal ensemble
- 02.05. Mass in E-Major, Dagenham, London (England), Barking & Dagenham Adult College Choir
- 26.04. Bicinium for Psalm 98, Amsterdam (Netherlands), De Muiderkantorij
- 12.04. Mass in E-Major, Neusiedl/Zaya (Austria), Kirchenchor Neusiedl/Zaya
- 12.04. & 24.05. Missa tribus vocibus, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 9. & 11. & 12.04. Kyrie of Missa tribus vocibus, Kansas City (Missouri, USA), Oratory at Old St. Patrick
- 22.03. Sanctus of Mass in E-Major, Cavite (Philippines), Our Lady of the Pillar Cathedral Choir
- 22.03. Missa tribus vocibus, Kitchener (Ontario, Canada), P.s.a.l.m.s.
- 22. & 29.03. Missa Salve Regina, Volo (Illinois, USA), a chamber choir from St. John Cantius
- 22.02. Missa Salve Regina, Hereford (England), Border Voices
- 04.01. Missa tribus vocibus, Bilzen (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Viernheim (Germany), Kirchenchor St. Marien
- 24. & 25.12. Missa tribus vocibus, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 23.11. Missa Salve Regina, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 21.09. & 02.11. Missa tribus vocibus, Toronto (Canada), St. Bartholomew's Church Choir
- 30.08. Missa tribus vocibus, Birnau (Germany), Chor St. Antonius Freiburg
- 04. & 05.07. Regina caeli, Crozon & Concarneau (France), Choir "Voix humaines"
- 22.06. Mass in E-Major, Seyfrieds (Austria), Seyfriedser Chor
- 11.06. Mass in E-Major, Festeburggemeinde Frankfurt (Germany), Ökumenischer Singkreis Preungesheim
- 10.05. Missa Salve Regina, St. Hubert (Germany), a vocal ensemble
- 01.05. Mass in E-Major, Bethen (Germany), Basilikachor Bethen
- 27.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Tremelo (Belgium), Choir "De Kamianos"
- 27.04. Mass in E-Major, St. Christopherus Frankfurt (Germany), Ökumenischer Singkreis Preungesheim
- 23.03. & 04.05. & 08.07. Mass in E-Major, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 23.03. & 01.06. Missa tribus vocibus, Bydgoszcz (Poland), Bydgoszcz Cathedral Choir
- 23.03. Mass in E-Major, Mödring (Austria), Kirchenchor Mödring
- 27.01. Mass in E-Major, Langschwarza (Austria), choir project Gmünd-Neustadt
- 25.12. A modern mass setting, Murska Sobota (Slovenia), MePZ Chorus
- 24. & 25.12. Mass in E-Major, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"
- 01.11. Missa tribus vocibus, St. Hubert (Germany), Pfarr-Cäcilienchor St. Hubert
- 08.07. Kyrie of Missa tribus vocibus, Mentomor-o-Novo (Portugal), Coral de São Domingos
- 08.04. Missa tribus vocibus, Romershoven (Belgium), Church choir "Ater Blokkes"